Network Rewards

Network rewards are distributed hourly from validation based on a release schedule. These hourly rewards are allocated to all active Shield Node Keys participating in the validation. While the total network reward for each validation is determined by the release schedule, the distribution of these rewards among running and participating Shield Node Keys depends on several factors: the total supply of Nanon and esNanon, the number of Shield Node Keys operating for a given validation, and the reward tier of these Shield Node Keys.When considering the total supply, keep in mind:

  1. The combined total of Nanon and esNanon will never exceed 2,000,000,000. Given the dynamic nature of the Nanon ecosystem, it is impossible to accurately predict the monthly token rewards for each operating Shield Node Key.

  2. The total number of Shield Node Keys. The Nanon Foundation will not sell more than 30,000 Shield Node Keys. The price of each Shield Node Key will increase over time.

  3. The monthly quantity of esNanon per Shield Node Key will fluctuate depending on the number of Shield Node Keys running the Shield node and the reward tier of these Shield Node Keys.

Last updated